800 Route 82 Suite A – Building 5 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Assisted Living

Tuminaro Pharmacy and Compounding provides unit dose Meds for Healthcare Facilities such as Assisted Living, Nursing Homes, Personal Care Homes, Hospice and others who require or desire them. Our pharmacists will offer free consultation for the facilities and their patients, as requested. We work closely with the healthcare providers to provide the best customer service to their residents.

Tuminaro Pharmacy and Compounding offers Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies (bulk orders and retail):

  • Diabetic Care Supplies
  • Health Monitoring Devices
  • Wheel & Power Chairs
  • Walkers
  • Cane & Crutches
  • Daily Living Aid and More

Health Management and Treatment

  • Vitamins, Nutraceuticals and Food Supplements
  • Prescription Medication (based on prescription per individual resident/client)
  • Over the Counter Medications

These items may be picked up from our pharmacy or delivered to your facility. We do our best to bring convenience to Assisted Living Homes that will ultimately benefit the patients / residents.

Payment options are also arranged by our staff to save you from the hassle of billing multiple residents. Tuminaro Pharmacy and Compounding will bill copays or directly to patients. We have the full capability of processing insurance reimbursements from All Major Insurances, Medicare and Medicaid.

Please contact us at 845-223-7858 to speak to our staff about making Tuminaro Pharmacy and Compounding as the provider for your assisted living facility.